Catherine Morris
Family Mediation, Child Protection Mediation
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See also the bibliographies on ADR, Collaborative Law Practice, Critical Perspectives on Alternative Dispute Resolution, Gender and Conflict Resolution, and Mandatory Mediation. This bibliography is in need of updating; your suggestions are invited.
Astor Hilary. "Domestic Violence and Mediation." Australian Dispute Resolution Journal 1 (1990: 143-53.
Astor, Hilary. "The Weight of Silence: Talking about Violence in Family Mediation." In Public and Private: Feminist Legal Debates, edited by Margaret Thornton, 174-96. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Astor, Hilary. "Violence and Family Mediation Policy." Australian Journal of Family Law 8(1) (1994): 3-21.
Bailey, Martha J. "Mediation of Divorce in China." Canadian Journal of Law and Society 8(1) (1993): 45-72.
Bailey, Martha J. "Unpacking the `Rational Alternative': A Critical Review of Family Mediation Movement Claims." Canadian Journal of Family Law 8 (1989): 61-94.
Barsky, A. E. "Child Protection Mediation." In Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Social Work and the Human Services, edited by E. Kruk. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1997.
Barsky, A. E., D. Este, and D. Collins. "Cultural Competence in Family Mediation." Mediation Quarterly 13 (1996) 167-178.
Barsky, M. "Emotional Needs and Dysfunctional Communication as Blocks to Mediation." Mediation Quarterly 2 (1983): 55-66.
Bottomley, Ann. "What is Happening to Family Law? A Feminist Critique of Conciliation." In Women in Law: Explorations in Law, Family and Sexuality (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985.
Bryan, Penelope. "Killing Us Softly: Divorce Mediation and the Politics of Power." Buffalo Law Review 40 (1992): 441-523.
Bryant, Suzanne. "Mediation for Lesbian and Gay Families." Mediation Quarterly 9(4) (1992): 391.
Campbell, Alan. "Mediation of Children's Issues when One Parent is Gay: A Cultural Perspective." Mediation Quarterly. 14(1) (1996): 79.
Center for Social Gerontology. Adult Guardianship Mediation Manual. Ann Arbor, MI: Center for Social Gerontology, 1997.
Chetkow-Yanoov, B. Social Work Approaches to Conflict Resolution: Making Fighting Obsolete. Binghampton, NY: Haworth, 1997.
Cobb, Sara. "The Domestication of Violence in Mediation." Law and Society Review 31(3) (1997): 397-440.
Coogler, O. J. Structured Mediation in Divorce Settlement. Lexington, MA: Lexington, 1978.
Cummings, E. M., and P. Davies. Children and Marital Conflict: The Impact of Family Dispute and Resolution. New York: Guilford, 1994.
Davis, Gwynn. Partisans and Mediators. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1988. read a review.
Ellis, Desmond, and Family Mediation Canada. "Certificate Implementation Pilot Project Evaluation Report." In Appendix 10, National Certification Implementation Pilot Project 1997-1999, Report of Family Mediation Canada in partnership with the Ministry of the Attorney General of British Columbia prepared for Department of Justice, by Peggy English and Linda Neilson in collaboration with Wendy Hacking. Kitchener, ON: Family Mediation Canada, 1999.
Ellis, D., and N. Stuckless. Mediating and Negotiating Marital Conflicts. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1996. read a review.
Ellis, Desmond, and Loretta Wight. "Theorizing Power in Divorce Negotiations: Implications for Practice." Mediation Quarterly 15 (1998): 227-244.
Ellis, Desmond, and Loretta Wight-Peasley. Wife Abuse Among Separated Women: The Impact of Lawyering Styles. Toronto: LaMarsh Research Programme, York University, 1986.
Emery, R. E. Renegotiating Family Relationships: Divorce, Child Custody and Mediation. New York: Guilford, 1994.
English, Peggy, and Linda Neilson, The Board of Directors, and The Standards and Ethics Committee of Family Mediation Canada. Report on Practice Standards, Training and Certification of Competent Family Mediators & Standards for the FMC Endorsement of Family Mediation Training Programs. Kitchener, ON: Family Mediation Canada, 1995.
English, Peggy, and Linda Neilson, with Wendy Hacking. National Certification Implementation Pilot Project 1997-1999. Report of Family Mediation Canada in partnership with the Ministry of the Attorney General of British Columbia prepared for Department of Justice. Kitchener, ON: Family Mediation Canada, 1999.
Erickson, Stephen K., and Marilyn McKnight. "Mediating Spousal Abuse Cases." Mediation Quarterly 7 (1990): 377.
Erickson, Stephen K., and Marilyn S. McKnight. The Practitioner's Guide to Mediation: A Client Centered Approach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000.
Family Mediation Canada. Family Mediator Skills Assessment Manual. Victoria, BC: British Columbia Ministry of the Attorney General, 1997.
Fassel, Mary Lou, and Diana Majury. Against Women's Interests: An Issue Paper on Joint Custody and Mediation. Ontario: National Action Committee on the Status of Women, 1987.
Felicio, Diane M., and Michelle Sutherland. "Beyond the Dominant Narrative: Intimacy and Conflict in Lesbian Relationships." Mediation Quarterly 18 (4) (2001): 363-376.
Fischer, Karla, et al. "The Culture of Battering and the Role of Mediation in Domestic Violence Cases Southern Methodist University Law Review 46 (1993): 2117.
Folberg, Jay, Ann L. Milne, and Peter Salem, eds. Divorce and Family Mediation: Models, Techniques, and Applications. New York, NY: Guilford Press, 2004.
Freshman, Clark. "Privatizing Same-Sex 'Marriage' Through Alternative Dispute Resolution: Community-Enhancing Versus Community-Enabling Mediation." UCLA Law Review 44 (1997): 1687.
Fund for Dispute Resolution. Report from the Toronto Forum on Woman Abuse and Mediation. Waterloo, Ontario: Fund for Dispute Resolution, 1993.
Gagnon, Andree G. "Ending Mandatory Divorce Mediation for Battered Women." Harvard Women's Law Journal. 15 (1992): 272-94.
Girdner, L. K. "Custody Mediation in the United States: Empowerment or Social Control?" Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 3 (1989): 134-154.
Girdner, L. K., ed.. Mediation and Spouse Abuse. Special issue. Mediation Quarterly, 7 (4) (1990).
Goundry, Sandra, Yvonne Peters, and Rosalind Currie. Family Mediation in Canada: Implications for Women's Equality. A Review of the Literature and Analysis of Data from Four Publicly Funded Canadian Mediation Programs. Ottawa: Status of Women Canada, 1998.
Gribben S. "Violence and Family Mediation: Practice" Australian Journal of Family Law 8 (1994): 22.
*Grillo, Trina. "The Mediation Alternative: Process Dangers for Women." Yale Law Journal 100(6) (1991): 1545-610.
Gunning, Isabelle R., "Mediation as an Alternative to Court for Lesbian and Gay Families: Some Thoughts on Douglas McIntyre's Article." Mediation Quarterly. 13(1)(1995): 47.
Hart, Barbara. "Gentle Jeopardy: The Further Endangerment of Battered Women and Children in Custody Mediation." Mediation Quarterly 7(4) (1990): 317-30.
Haynes, John M. The Fundamentals of Family Mediation. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1994 read a review.
Hilton, N. Zoe. "Mediating Wife Assault: Battered Women and the `New Family'." Canadian Journal of Family Law 9 (2) (1991): 29-53.
Ingelb, R, "Court Sponsored Mediation: The Case against Mandatory Participation." Modern Law Review 56(1993): 441.
Irving, Howard, and Michael Benjamin. Family Mediation: Theory and Practice of Dispute Resolution. Toronto: Carswell, 1987.
Irving, Howard, and Michael Benjamin. Therapeutic Family Mediation: Helping Families Resolve Conflicts. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2002.
Irving, Howard, and Michael Benjamin. Family Mediation: Contemporary Issues. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1995. read a review.
Kaganas, Felicity, and Christine Piper. "Domestic Violence and Divorce Mediation." Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 3 (1) (1994): 265-278.
Kelly, J. B. "A Decade of Divorce Mediation Research: Some Questions and Answers." Family and Conciliation Courts Review 34 (1996): 373-385.
Kidde, Andrew. Annotated Bibliography of Outcome Studies on Divorce and Custody Mediation. Seattle, WA: Mediation Committee, Washington State Bar Association, 1995. annotation.
Kruk, Edward, ed. Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Social Work and the Human Services. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1997. read a review.
Landau, Barbara. "Qualifications of Family Mediators: Listening to the Feminist Critique." In Qualifications for Dispute Resolution: Perspectives on the Debate, edited by Catherine Morris and Andrew Pirie, 27-49. Victoria, BC: UVic Institute for Dispute Resolution, 1994.
Landau, Barbara, Lorne Wolfson, and Niki Landau. Family Mediation and Collaborative Practice Handbook. 4th Edition. Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, 2005.
Lang, Michael, and Alison Taylor. The Making of a Mediator: Developing Artistry in Practice. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2000.
Langer, Rosanna, "Divorce Mediation: How the Process of Informal Resolution Reinforces Male Dominance." In Quilting a New Canon: Stitching Women's Words, edited by Uma Parmeswaran 135 (Toronto: Sister Vision) 1996.
Lerman, Lisa G. "Mediation of Wife Abuse Cases: The Adverse Impact of Informal Dispute Resolution on Women." Harvard Women's Law Journal 7 (1984): 57-113.
Macfarlane, Julie. The New Lawyer: How Settlement Is Transforming the Practice of Law. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008.
Macfarlane, Julie. Understanding Trends in American Muslim Divorce and Marriage: A Discussion Guide for Families and Communities. Washington, DC: Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, 2012. Available at
Mahoney, M. "Legal Images of Battered Women: Redefining the Issue of Separation." Michigan Law Review 90 (1991): 1-94.
Mandhane, Renu. The Trend Towards Mandatory Mediation: A Critical Feminist Legal Perspective. Toronto: Ontario Women's Justice Network, August 1999. Executive Summary online at
Marlow, Lenard. Divorce Mediation: A Practice in Search of a Theory. Garden City: Harlan Press, 1997. See
Marthaler, D. "Successful Mediation With Abusive Couples." Mediation Quarterly 23 (1989): 53-66.
*Maute, Judith L. "Public Values and Private Justice: A Case for Mediator Accountability." Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 4 (1991): 503-35.
Maxwell, Jennifer P. "The Use of Performance Art and Q Methodology for Increasing Mediator Recognition of Trauma and Domestic Violence." Mediation Quarterly 16 (3) (1999): 269-285.
McKnight, Marilyn S. and Erickson, Stephen K. Mediating Divorce: A Client's Workbook San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1998. read a review.
Miller, Melissa A. Family Violence: The Compassionate Church Responds. Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 1994.
Mnookin, Robert, and Lewis Kornhauser. "Bargaining in the Shadow of the Law: The Case of Divorce." Yale Law Journal 88 (1979): 950-77.
*Moore, Christopher W. The Mediation Process: Practical Strategies for Resolving Conflict. Second edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1996.
National Association of Women and the Law. "Family Mediation Canada: 'Dialogue' Still Mostly Means 'Diatribe'." Jurisfemme 8(3)(Winter, 1998): 3-8.
Neilson, Linda C. Spousal Abuse, Children and the Legal System. Final Report to the Canadian Bar Association and the Law for the Future Fund. Fredericton, NB: Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research at the University of New Brunswick, March, 2001.
Noble, Cinnie. Family Mediation: A Guide for Lawyers. Aurora, ON: Canada Law Book, 1999.
Ontario Association for Family Mediation. OAFM Policy on Abuse. Toronto: Ontario Association for Family Mediation, June 1994.
Pearson, J. "Mediating when Domestic Violence is a Factor: Policies and Practices in Court-Based Divorce Mediation Programs." Mediation Quarterly 14 (1997): 319-335.
Phegan, Ruth. "The Family Mediation System: An Art of Distributions." McGill Law Journal 40(2)(1995): 365-413.
Pickett, Elizabeth. "Familial Ideology, Family Law and Mediation: Law Casts More than a 'Shadow'." Journal of Human Justice 3(1)(1991):27-45. (Note: this journal has been retitled Critical Criminology.)
Sachs, Harriet. "The Dejudicialization of Family Law: Mediation and Assessments." In Family Law in Canada: New Directions, edited by Elizabeth Sloss, 85-106. Ottawa: Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 1985.
Saposnek, Donald T. Mediating Child Custody Disputes. Revised Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Inc., 1998.
*Schon, D.A. The Reflective Practitioner. New York: Basic Books, 1983.
Shaffer, Martha. "Divorce Mediation: A Feminist Perspective." University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 46(1) (1988): 162-200.
Shailor, Jonathan G. Empowerment in Dispute Mediation: A Critical Analysis of Communication. Westport: Praeger, 1994.
Sinclair, Deborah. Understanding Wife Assault: A Training Manual for Counsellors and Advocates. Toronto: Government of Ontario, 1985.
Singer, Jana. "The Privatization of Family Law." Wisconsin Law Review 5 (1992): 1443.
Stallone, D. "Decriminalisation of Violence in the Home: Mediation in Wife Battering Cases." Law and Inequality 2(2) (1984): 493-519.
Stone, George Peter. Family Mediation Canada, Family and Interpersonal Mediation: A Bibliography of the Periodical Literature 1980-1989. Guelph, Ontario: Family Mediation Canada, 1992. read a review.
Taylor, Alison. The Handbook of Family Dispute Resolution: Mediation Theory and Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002.
Teyber, Edward/ Helping Children Cope with Divorce. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001.
Thoennes, Nancy. "Mediating Disputes Including Parenting Time and Responsibilities." In Colorado's 10th Judicial District: Assessing the Benefits to Courts Denver: Center for Policy Research, 2002.
Thoennes, Nancy, and Jessica Pearson. "Mediation and Domestic Violence: Current Policies and Practices." Family and Conciliation Courts Review. 33 (1995): 6-29.
Townley, Annette, "The Invisible-ism: Heterosexism and the Implications for Mediation." Mediation Quarterly 9(4)(1992): 397-400.
Transition House Association of Nova Scotia (THANS). Abused Women in Family Mediation: A Nova Scotia Snapshot. A Report Prepared by The Transition House Association of Nova Scotia January 13, 2000. Halifax, NS: THANS, 2000.
Treuthart, Mary Pat. "All That Glitters is Not Gold: Mediation in Domestic Abuse Cases." Clearinghouse Review 30(1996): 243.
Vancouver Custody and Access Support and Advocacy Association. "Mediation Wheel: The Broken Promise of Justice in the Courts for Women and Children." In Listening to the Thunder: Advocates Talk about the Battered Women's Movement, edited by Leslie Timmins, 127-130. Vancouver: Women's Research Centre, 1995.
Whittington, Barbara. Mediation, Power and Gender: A Critical Review of Selected Readings. Victoria, BC: UVic Institute for Dispute Resolution, 1992. read a review.
Wildgoose, Joan, and June Maresca. Mediating Child Protection Cases. Waterloo: Fund for Dispute Resolution, 1994.
Woods, Laurie. "Mediation: A Backlash to Women's Progress on Family Law Issues." Clearinghouse Review 19 (1985): 431.
Zutter, Deborah Lynn. "Mediation in the Shadow of Abuse - An Update." Canadian Family Law Quarterly 20 (1)(March 2002): 65-93.
Zutter, Deborah Lynn. Preparing for Mediation: A Dispute Resolution Guide. Toronto: Trafford Publishing, 2005. read a review.
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Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: A Selected Bibliography (formerly Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: A Selected Bibliography). Copyright 1997-2023 Catherine Morris. All rights reserved.