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incorporated non-profit corporation Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding:
A Selected Bibliography

Catherine Morris

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This bibliography originated in 1997 when it consisted of a couple of pages housed on the website of the Institute for Dispute Resolution at the University of Victoria. In 1999, the bibliography moved to the website of Peacemakers Trust, a Canadian non-profit corporation for research, education and consultation on conflict resolution and peacebuilding. Since then, the bibliography pages and other resources have expanded continually with assistance from instructors, researchers and practitioners from Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. New titles are added regularly. However, inevitably, some of the bibliographies go out of date when I cannot attend to them. This happens more frequently as the bibliography has expanded. I invite authors, researchers, instructors, students and others to contribute their up to date bibliographies, suggest new titles, updates and corrections or suggest new or revi sed categories.

Inclusion of a title in this bibliography is not an endorsement of its value or importance.

This bibliography has been visited by several hundreds of thousands of people from more than 100 different countries on all continents. See a few reviews of the bibliography.


The generous and dedicated assistance of Elizabeth Morris, Toronto, in website design, technical assistance and persistence in correcting broken links is gratefully acknowledged.

The following people have made valuable substantive contributions, suggestions or referrals to the current edition. They are listed in alphabetical order:
Peter Adler, Hawaii Bar Foundation; Hilary Astor, University of Sydney, Australia; Alan Barsky, University of Calgary; Charles Barton, Charles Sturt University, New South Wales, Australia; Ann Bown, Brock University; Susan B. Boyd, Centre for Feminist Legal Studies, University of British Columbia; E. Franklin Dukes, University of Virginia; Connie Edwards, University of Toronto; Desmond Ellis, York University; Wayne Fagan, St. Mary's Law School, Texas; Ronald Fisher, University of Saskatchewan; John Forester, Cornell University; David L. Gustafson, Community Justice Initiatives, Langley, B.C.; Michael Hadley, University of Victoria; Ben Hoffman, then of The Carter Center; Julie Macfarlane, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor; Ian McDuff, New Zealand Center for Conflict Resolution, University of Wellington, New Zealand; Jennifer Lynch, PDG Personnel Direction Group Inc., Ottawa, Canada; David Brian Moore, Transformative Justice Australia (TJA); Reina Neufeldt, Peacebuilding Technical Advisor, Catholic Relief Services, Baltimore, MD; Cinnie Noble, Noble Solutions Inc.; Connie Ozawa, Portland State University; David Perlman, College of Charleston; Maude Pervere, Stanford Law School; Kathy Pitner, Pitner Conflict Management Services, Denver Colorado; Paulette Regan, Vancouver, B.C.; Linda C. Reif, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta; Mary Rowe, MIT; Susan Shaw, then at University of Victoria; Felicity Steadman, panelist, Independent Mediation Service of South Africa (IMSSA); John B. Stephens, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Stephanie Stobbe, Menno Simons College; Lawrence Susskind, Harvard University; Bill Warters, Wayne State University; Jonnette Watson Hamilton, University of Calgary; Lambrecht Wessels, European Network University, Amsterdam; John Wilmerding, CERJ; Benjamin Winter, Mediator, Victoria, BC.

The restorative justice bibliography drew significantly on the early bibliographic work of Howard Zehr and Paul McCold and still owes much to their contributions. The arbitration and ADR bibliographies still owe much to the prolific work of James Boskey who reviewed dispute resolution literature in The Alternative Newsletter until he died in 1999. Jim Boskey's constant dedication to accessible research, education and excellence in dispute resolution graced the field in many ways, not the least by way of his many book reviews. Prof. Boskey's encouragement concerning the first edition of this bibliography in 1997 was deeply appreciated. We are grateful to the Boskey family for permission to house the reviews on the Peacemakers Trust site.

An important source for the first edition in 1997 was Bill Warters' May 1996 project, Essential Readings in Dispute Resolution, A Reading List Generated by the Delphi Study Group for the "Mapping the Contours of Graduate Study in Dispute Resolution" (Nova Southeastern University, USA). Another significant contribution to the 1997 edition was a list of negotiation textbooks that had been compiled on the internet in 1996 by Mary Whisner. The significant collaboration and contributions of the following people in 1997 is also gratefully acknowledged: Sylvia McMechan, then at Royal Roads University, Victoria, B.C.; Julie Macfarlane, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor; Cec Branson, then a sessional lecture at University of Victoria; Albie Davis, Thomaston, Maine, USA; Mary Rowe, then at MIT; Tony Dorcey, University of British Columbia; Norman Dale, British Columbia; Peter Adler, then at the Hawaii Law Foundation. Maggie Cooper Little, then the administrator of the Institute for Dispute Resolution at the University of Victoria transformed my 1997 scribbles into correct citations using the Chicago Manual. Since then, the accuracy has no doubt gone substantially downhill. At the time it was considered quite an accomplishment to enter all the bibliographies by hand into html! We are sorry to report that the bibliography pages is still done in this now-antiquated way, and we are grateful that we have seen no complaints from users so far. We need a grant to hire some students to update the bibliography and do the data entry into a citation program. This will take donations or a grant.

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Adversarial Justice Limits . Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) . Apology & Forgiveness . Arbitration . Arts & Peacework . Books for Children & Youth . Caseflow Management . Collaborative Law Practice . Community Conflict . Conflict Analysis . Conflictos y Paz . Conflict Resolution & Conflict Management . Conflict Transformation . Critical . Culture, Ethnicity & Conflict . Dispute Resolution Systems Design . Emotions & Conflict . Environment, Public Policy & Conflict . Evaluation . Game Theory . Gender & Conflict . Human Rights . Humanitarian Action, Development . Indigenous Peoples . International Conflict . Judicial Dispute Resolution . Media, Conflict and Society . Mediation, Family . Mediation, Mandatory . Music of Peace . Negotiation . Negotiation, Crisis . Negotiation, Humanitarian . Nonviolent Direct Action . Ombudsman . Psycho-Social Perspectives . Post-Secondary Education . Reconciliation/Transitional Justice . Religious Perspectives . Restorative Justice . Schools . Standards and Ethics . Technology, Computers . Terrorism . Theories of Conflict . Videorecordings . Workplace, Labour Conflict . Peacebuilding and Reconciliation in Rwanda . Reviews and Annotations . Acknowledgements . Search