Catherine Morris
International and Domestic Commercial Arbitration
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This bibliography is in need of updating; your suggestions are invited. See also the bibliography on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)
Aitken, Neil, and Charles Spragge. A Guide to Arbitration and Litigation in Central and Eastern Europe London, UK: Suchen Debling, Cameron McKenna, 1998. read a review.
Alternatives. New York: CPR Institute For Dispute Resolution. Periodical.
Arbitration International. London: Kluwer. Periodical.
The Arbitrator. Melbourne, Australia: The Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia. Periodical. Butterworths, 1989.
Alqudah, M. A. "Enforceability of Arbitration Clauses in Online Business-to-Consumer Contracts." Journal of international arbitration 28(1)(2011):67-79.
Bernan Press. World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Decisions: Bernan's Annotated Reporter. Volumes 1 and 2. Lanham, MD: Bernan Press, 1998. read a review.
Boyd, S.C., and M.J. Mustill. The Law and Practice of Commercial Arbitration in England. Second Edition. London: Butterworths, 1989.
Brand, J, C. Lötter, J. Mischke, and F. Steadman. Labour Dispute Resolution Cape Town, South Africa: Juta & Co. Ltd., 1997.
Broches, Aron. Commentary on the UNCITRAL Model Law of International Commercial Arbitration. Deventer, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law and Taxation, 1990. read a review .
Brown, Laura F., ed. The International Arbitration Kit. Fourth Edition. New York: American Arbitration Association, 1993.
Bush, Robert A. B. "Substituting Mediation for Arbitration: the Growing Market for Evaluative Mediation, and What it Means for the ADR Field." Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal 3(1)(2002) : 111-131.
Butler, D, and E. Finsen. Arbitration in South Africa: Law and Practice Cape Town, South Africa: Juta & Co. Ltd., 1993.
Canadian Arbitration and Mediation Journal. Ottawa: Arbitration and Mediation Institute of Canada. Periodical.
Cane, Marilyn Blumberg and Shub, Patricia A. Securities Arbitration: Law and Procedure. Washington, DC: BNA Books, 1991. read a review.
Carbonneau, Thomas E. Lex Mercatoria and Arbitration. Ardsley-on-Hudson, NY: Transnational Juris Publications, 1990. read a review.
Carbonneau, Thomas E., Alternative Dispute Resolution: Melting the Lances and Dismounting the Swords. Ithaca, NY: University of Illinois Press, 1989. read a review.
Casey, J.B. International and Domestic Commercial Arbitration. Scarborough, On: Carswell, 1993.
Cato, D. Mark. Arbitration Practice and Procedure: Interlocutory and Hearing Problems. Colchester, Essex: Lloyd's of London Press, 1992. read a review.
Cato, Mark. So You Want to Be an Arbitrator?, London, UK: LLP Ltd., Legal Publishing Division, 1999. read a review.
Collier, John. and Vaughan Lowe. The Settlement of International Disputes: Institutions and Procedures. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Continuing Legal Education Society of B.C. (CLE). Commercial Arbitration: Advanced Practice Materials. Vancouver, BC: CLE, 1991.
Craig, W. Lawrence, William W. Park, and Jan Paulsson, eds. International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration. Second Edition. Dobbs Ferry, Ny: Oceana Publications, 1990.
Crowther, Harold. Introduction to Arbitration London, UK: LLP Ltd., Legal Publishing Division, 1998. read a review.
Dispute Resolution Journal. New York: American Arbitration Association. Periodical.
Dore, Isaak I. Arbitration and Conciliation Under the UNCITRAL Rules: A Textual Analysis. Boston: Marinus Nijhoff, 1986.
AE101">Dore, Isaak I. Theory and Practice of Multiparty Commercial Arbitration. London, UK, 1990. read a review.
Eijsvoogel, Peter V., ed. Evidence in International Arbitration Proceedings. London: Kluwer, 1995.
Goodman, Allan H. Basic Skills for the New Arbitrator. Rockville, MD: Solomon Publications, 1993.
Haagen, Paul H., Ed. Arbitration Now: Opportunities for Fairness, Process Renewal and Invigoration. New York: American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution, 1999.
Haloush, H. A. "The Authenticity of Online Alternative Dispute Resolution Proceedings." Journal of International Arbitration 25(3)(2008):355-364.
Hill, Jonathon. The Law Relating to International Commercial Disputes. London, UK: Lloyds of London Press, 1994. read a review.
Holtzmann, Howard M., and Joseph E. Neuhaus. A Guide to the UNCITRAL Model Law On Commercial Arbitration: Legislative History and Commentary. London: Kluwer, 1989.
Huleatt, Mark, James Gould, and Nicholas Gould. International Commercial Arbitration-A Handbook. Second edition. London, UK: LLP Ltd., Legal Publishing Division, 1999. read a review.
Hunter, Martin, et al. The Freshfields Guide to Arbitration and ADR Clauses in International Contracts. London: Kluwer, 1993.
Jacobs, Marcus S. Commercial Arbitration: Law and Practice. Four Volumes. Sydney, Australia: The Law Book Company, 1990-1992. read a review.
Jacobs, Marcus S. International Commercial Arbitration in Australia: Law and Practice. Two Volumes. Sydney, Australia: The Law Book Company, 1992. read a review.
International Arbitration Report. Wayne, Pa: Mealey. Periodical.
Kaplan, Neil et Al. Hong Kong snd China Arbitration: Cases and Materials. Butterworths, 1994.
Lew, Julian D.M., ed. The Immunity of Arbitrators, Sheepen Place, Colchester, UK: Essex Lloyd's of London Press, Ltd., 1990. read a review.
Lillich, Richard B. and Charles N. Brower. International Arbitration in the 21st Century: Towards "Judicialization" and Uniformity. Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: Transnational Publishers, 1994. read a review.
Lötter,C and K. Mosime. Arbitration at Work. Cape Town, South Africa: Juta & Co. Ltd., 1993.
Mclaren, R.H., and E.E. Palmer. The Law and Practice of Commercial Arbitration. Scarborough, On: Carswell, 1982.
Merrills, J.G. International Dispute Settlement. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Morgan, Robert. The Arbitration Ordinance of Hong Kong: A Commentary Singapore: Butterworths Asia, 1997.
Mustill, M.J., and S.C. Boyd. Commercial Arbitration. Second Edition. Stoneham, Ma: Butterworths, 1991.
Nelson, Robert M. Nelson on ADR. Scarborough, ON : Thomson Canada Ltd., 2003. read a review.
Palmeter, David, and Petros C. Mavroidis. Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization: Practice and Procedure. The Hague, London, Boston: Kluwer Law International, 1999.
Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law. Guide to International Arbitration and Arbitrators. 2d edition. Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: Transnational Juris Publications, 1993. read a review
Poser, Norman. S. "When ADR Eclipses Litigation: The Brave New World of Securities Arbitration." Brook Law Review 59(1993): 1095-1111.
Powell-Smith, Vincent, John Sims, and Christopher Dancaster. Construction Arbitrations: A Practical Guide. Second edition. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science, 1998. read a review.
Reisman, W. Michael. Systems of Control in International Adjudication & Arbitration: Breakdown and Repair. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1992. read a review.
Schwebel, S.M. International Arbitration: Three Salient Problems. Cambridge, UK: Grotius Publications, 1987. read a review.
Singh, S.D. and Mathur, G.C. Law of Arbitration. 34 Lalbach, Lucknow, India: Eastern Book Company, 1994. read a review.
Stitt, Allan J., ed. Alternative Dispute Resolution Practice Manual. Looseleaf Service. North York, Ontario: CCH Canadian Limited, 1996.
Toope, Stephen J. Mixed International Arbitration: Studies in Arbitration Between States and Private Persons. Cambridge, UK: Grotius Publications, 1990. read a review.
Uniform Law Conference of Canada (ULCC). "Uniform Arbitration Act." In Proceedings of the Seventy-Second Annual Meeting (ULCC, 1990).
van den Berg, A.J. International Arbitration in a Changing World. Cambridge, MA: Kluwer Law & Taxation, 1993. read a review.
van den Berg, Albert Jan. Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Vol. XVII-1992. Accord, MA: Kluwer Law and Taxation, 1993. read a review.
van den Berg, Albert J. New York Convention of 1958. Second Edition. London: Kluwer, 1996.
van Hof, Jacomijn J. Commentary on the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules: The Application by the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal. Accord, MA: Kluwer Law and Taxation, 1992. read a review.
Várady, Tibor, John J. Barceló, and Arthur T. von Meheren. International Commercial Arbitration: A Transnational Perspective St. Paul, MN: West Group, 1999. read a review.
Várady, Tibor, John J. Barceló, and Arthur T. von Meheren. Documents Supplement to International Commercial Arbitration: A Transnational Perspective St. Paul, MN: West Group, 1999. read a review.
Ware, Stephen J. Alternative Dispute Resolution. St. Paul, MN: West Group, 2001.
Watson Hamilton, Jonnette. "Adjudicative Processes." In Dispute Resolution Readings and Case Studies, edited by Julie Macfarlane, 523-582. Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 1999.
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Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: A Selected Bibliography (formerly Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: A Selected Bibliography). Copyright 1997-2023 Catherine Morris. All rights reserved.