Catherine Morris
Reconciliation and Transitional Justice
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See also the Peacemakers Trust bibliographies on Apology and Forgiveness, Restorative Justice, Religious Perspectives on Conflict Resolution, International Conflict, Indigenous Peoples and Conflict Resolution and Dialogue and Deliberation and Human Rights.
Abu-Nimer, Mohammed, ed. Reconciliation, Justice and Coexistence: Theory and Practice. New York: Lexington, 2001.
Amadiume, Ifi, and Abdullahi An-Na'im, eds. The Politics of Memory: Truth, Healing, and Social Justice. London: New York: Zed Books, 2000. read an annotation.
Amstutz, Mark. The Healing of Nations: The Promise and Limits of Political Forgiveness. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2005. read an annotation.
Appleby, R. Scott. The Ambivalence of the Sacred: Religion, Violence and Reconciliation. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000. read an annotation read a review.
Archdiocese of São Paulo, Brazil. Torture in Brazil: A Shocking Report on the Pervasive Use of Torture by Brazilian Military Governments, 1964-1979, Secretly Prepared by the Archiodese of São Paulo. Translated by Jaime Wright. Edited by Joan Dassin. Austin: University of Texas Press 1998.
Arendt, Hannah. Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. New York: Viking Press, 1963.
Arendt, Hannah. The Human Condition. 2nd ed. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press 1958 (1998). Reprint, 1998.
Arendt, Hannah. "Personal Responsibility under Dictatorship." In Responsibility and Judgment, edited by Jerome Kohn, 17-48. New York: Schocken Books, 2003.
Asch, Michael. "Aboriginal Self-Government and Canadian Constitutional Identity: Building Reconciliation." In Ethnicity and Aboriginality: Case Studies in Ethnonationalism, edited by Michael D. Levin, 29-52. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993.
Assefa, Hizkias. "The Meaning of Reconciliation." In People Building Peace. Utrecht, Netherlands: European Platform for Conflict Prevention and Transformation, n.d. read an annotation.
Assefa, Hizkias. "Reconciliation." In Peacebuilding: A Field Guide, edited by Luc Reychler and Thania Paffenholz, 336-42. Boulder, CO, and London, UK: Lynne Reiner Publishers, 2001.
Assefa, Hizkias. Peace and Reconciliation as a Paradigm: A Philosophy of Peace and Its Implications on Conflict, Governance and Economic Growth in Africa. Translated by Spanish and Kirundi) (translated into French, Spanish and Kirundi. Nairobi, Kenya: Africa Peacebuilding and Reconciliation Network, hizkias [at], 2000.
Archdiocese of São Paulo, Brazil. Torture in Brazil: A Shocking Report on the Pervasive Use of Torture by Brazilian Military Governments, 1964-1979, Secretly Prepared by the Archiodese of São Paulo. Translated by Jaime Wright. Edited by Joan Dassin. Austin: University of Texas Press 1998.
Arendt, Hannah. Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. New York: Viking Press, 1963.
Arendt, Hannah. The Human Condition. 2nd ed. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press 1958 (1998). Reprint, 1998.
Arendt, Hannah. "Personal Responsibility under Dictatorship." In Responsibility and Judgment, edited by Jerome Kohn, 17-48. New York: Schocken Books, 2003.
Asch, Michael. "Aboriginal Self-Government and Canadian Constitutional Identity: Building Reconciliation." In Ethnicity and Aboriginality: Case Studies in Ethnonationalism, edited by Michael D. Levin, 29-52. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993.
Assefa, Hizkias. Peace and Reconciliation as a Paradigm: A Philosophy of Peace and Its Implications on Conflict, Governance and Economic Growth in Africa. Translated by Spanish and Kirundi) (translated into French. Nairobi, Kenya: Africa Peacebuilding and Reconciliation Network, 2000.
Assefa, Hizkias. "Reconciliation." In Peacebuilding: A Field Guide, edited by Luc Reychler and Thania Paffenholz, 336-42. Boulder, CO, and London, UK: Lynne Reiner Publishers, 2001.
Barkan, Elazar. "Group Apology as an Ethical Imperative." In Taking Wrongs Seriously: Apologies and Reconciliation, edited by Elazar Barkan and Alexander Karn, 3-30. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2006.
Barkan, Elazar. The Guilt of Nations: Restitution and Negotiating Historical Injustices. New York: Norton, 2000.
Barkan, Elazar, and Alexander Karn, eds. Taking Wrongs Seriously: Apologies and Reconciliation. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2006.
Bar-On, Dan, ed. Bridging the Gap: Storytelling as a Way to Work through Political and Collective Hostilities. Hamburg: Korber-Stiftung, 2000.
Battle, Michael J. Reconciliation: The Ubuntu Theology of Desmond Tutu. Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, 1997.
Baum, Gregory, and Harold Wells, eds. The Reconciliation of Peoples: Challenge to the Churches Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1997.
Biggar, Nigel, ed. Burying the Past: Making Peace and Doing Justice after Civil Conflict. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2003.
Bloomfield, David, Teresa Barnes and Luc Huyse. Reconciliation after Violent Conflict: A Handbook. Stockholm: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2003. read an annotation.
Boler, Megan. "A Pedagogy of Discomfort." In Feeling Power: Emotions and Education, edited by Megan Boler, 175-203. New York: Routledge, 1999.
Boraine, Alex. A Country Unmasked: Inside South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Botman, H. Russel. "Truth and Reconciliation: The South Africa Case." In Religion and Peacebuilding, edited by Harold Coward and Gordon S. Smith, 243-60. New York: SUNY Press, 2004.
Bouwknegt, Thijs. "Rwanda's Genocide: Remembrance and Ideology." Radio Netherlands Worldwide, 04-04-2008 2008.
Brahm, Eric. "Lustration." In Beyond Intractability, edited by Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess. Boulder.: Conflict Research Consortium, University of Colorado,, 2004.
Brooks, Roy L. "The New Patriotism and Apology for Slavery." In Taking Wrongs Seriously: Apologies and Reconciliation, edited by Elazar Barkan and Alexander Karn, 213-33. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2006.
Brooks, Roy L., ed. When Sorry Isn't Enough: The Controversy over Apologies and Reparations for Human Injustice. New York and London: New York University Press, 1999.
Buckley-Zistel, Susanne. "The Gacaca Tribunals in Rwanda: Community Justice? ." In Civil Society and Civilian Crisis Management: Enhancing Cooperation and Coherence by Multi Level Dialogues. Berlin: Plattform für Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung, 2007.
Caruth, Cathy. Trauma: Explorations in Memory. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995.
Celermajer, Danielle. "The Apology in Australia: Re-Covenanting the National Imaginary." In Taking Wrongs Seriously: Apologies and Reconciliation, edited by Elazar Barkan and Alexander Karn, 153-84. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2006.
Chandler, David. "Coming to Terms with the Terror and History of Pol Pot's Cambodia (1975-79)." In Dilemmas of Reconciliation: Cases and Concepts, edited by Carol A.L. Prager and Trudy Govier, 307-27. Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 2003.
Chapman, Audrey R. "The Truth of Truth Commissions: Comparative Lessons from Haiti, South Africa, and Guatemala." Human Rights Quarterly 23 (2004): 1-43. .
Chapman, Audrey R., and Bernard Spong. Religion and Reconciliation in South Africa: Voices of Religious Leaders. Philadelphia and London: Templeton Foundation Press, 2004.
Chayes Antonia, and Martha Minow, ed. Imagine Coexistence: Restoring Humanity After Violent Ethnic Conflict. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003.
Clark, Phil, and Zachary D. Kaufman. eds. After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond. New York and London: Columbia University Press and C. Hurst & Co., 2008.
Cobban, Helena. "Think Again: International Courts." Foreign Policy Mar/Apr2006, no. 153 (2006): 22-28.
Cohen, Stanley. "State Crimes of Previous Regimes: Knowledge, Accountability, and the Policing of the Past." Law & Social Inquiry 20, no. 1 (1995): 7-50.
Cohen, Stanley. States of Denial: Knowing About Atrocities and Suffering. Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2001. read a review.
Cooper, Allan D. "Reparations for the Herero Genocide: Defining the Limits of International Litigation." African Affairs 106, no. 422 (2007): 113-26.
Corntassel, Jeff, and Cindy Holder. "Who's sorry now? Government Apologies, Truth Commissions, and Indigenous Self-Determination in Australia, Canada, Guatemala, and Peru." Human Rights Review 9(4) (2008): 435-464.
Cose, Ellis. Bone To Pick: Of Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Reparation, and Revenge. New York: Atria Books, 2004.
Crocker, D. "Punishment, Reconciliation and Democratic Deliberation." Buffalo Criminal Law Review 6(4)(2002): 509-549. read an annotation.
Cuya, Esteban. Las Comisiones de la Verdad en America Latina, Madrid: Equipo Nizkor, 1996, available,
Daly, Erin. "Between Punitive and Reconstructive Justice: The Gacaca Courts in Rwanda." New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 34, no. 2 (2002): 355-96.
Daly, Erin, and Jeremy Sarkin. Reconciliation in Divided Societies: Finding Common Ground. Philidelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007.
Dawson, John. "Hatred's End: A Christian Proposal to Peacemaking in a New Century." In Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Religion, Public Policy, and Conflict Transformation, edited by Raymond G. Helmick, S.J., and Rodney L. Petersen, 219-243. Philadelphia and London: Templeton Foundation Press, 2001.
De Greiff, Pablo, ed. The Handbook of Reparations. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.
de Gruchy, John W. Reconciliation: Restoring Justice. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2002. read a review.
du Bois-Pedain, Antje. Transitional Amnesty in South Africa. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
du Bois-Pedain, Antje. Transitional Amnesty in South Africa. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Dugard, John. "Dealing with Crimes of a Past Regime. Is Amnesty Still an Option?" Leiden Journal of International Law 12, no. 4 (1999): 1001-15.
Elster, Jon. Closing the Books: Transitional Justice in Historical Perspective. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Feliciati, Clara Chapdelaine. "Restorative Justice for the Girl Child in Post-Conflict Rwanda." Journal of International Women's Studies 7, no. 4 (2006).
Fisher, Ronald J. "Social-Psychological Processes in Interactive Conflict Analysis and Reconciliation." In Reconciliation, Justice, and Coexistence: Theory and Practice, edited by Mohammed Abu-Nimer, 25-45. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: Lexington Books, 2001.
Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Translated by Myra Bergman Ramos. London/New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 1970.
Galtung, Johan. "After Violence, Reconstruction, Reconciliation, and Resolution: Coping with Visible and Invisible Effects of War and Violance." In Reconciliation, Justice, and Coexistence: Theory and Practice, edited by Mohammed Abu-Nimer, 3-23. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: Lexington Books, 2001.
Gibson, James L. "The Contributions of Truth to Reconciliation." Journal of Conflict Resolution 50, no. 3 (2006): 409-32.
Gibson, James L. "Does Truth Lead to Reconciliation? Testing the Causal Assumptions of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission." American Journal of Political Science 48, no. 2 (2004): 201-17.
Gobodo-Madikezela, Pumla. "Trauma, Forgiveness and the Witnessing Dance: Making Public Spaces Intimate." Journal of Analytical Psychology 53, no. 2 (2008): 169-88.
Gobodo-Madikizela, Pumla. A Human Being Died That Night. Cape Town: David Philip Publishers, 2003.
Goldstone, R. J. "The Future of International Criminal Justice." Maine Law Review 57 (2005): 553-68.
Gopin, Marc. Between Eden and Armageddon: The Future of World Religions, Violence, and Peacemaking. New York and London: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Gopin, Marc. "Forgiveness as an Element of Conflict Resolution in Religious Cultures." In Reconciliation, Justice, and Coexistence: Theory and Practice, edited by Mohammed Abu-Nimer, 87-99. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: Lexington Books, 2001.
Govier, Trudy. "The Concept of Ubuntu." Humanist Perspectives, no. 156 (2006): 25-27.
Govier, Trudy. Forgiveness and Revenge. New York: Routledge, 2002.
Govier, Trudy. Social Trust and Human Communities. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 1997. read a review.
Govier, Trudy. Taking Wrongs Seriously. Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2006.
Govier, Trudy. "Trust and the Problem of National Reconciliation." Philosophy of the Social Sciences 32 (2002).
Grunebaum-Ralph, Heidi. "Re-Placing Pasts, Forgetting Presents: Narrative, Place and Memory in the Time of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission." Research in African Literatures 32, no. 3: 198.
Gunstone, Andrew."Unfinished Business: The Australian Reconciliation Process from 1991 to 2000." Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 8, no. 3-4 (2007): 16-34.
Gutmann, Amy, and Dennis Thompson. "The Moral Foundations of Truth Commissions " In Truth v. Justice: The Morality of Truth Commissions, edited by Robert I. Rotberg and Dennis Thompson, 22-44. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2000.
Hamber, Brandon. "Does the Truth Heal? A Psychological Perspective on Political Strategies for Dealing with the Legacy of Political Violence." In Burying the Past: Making Peace and Doing Justice after Civil Conflict, edited by Nigel Biggar, 155-74. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2003.
Hampton, Jean. "The Retributive Idea." In Forgiveness and Mercy, edited by Jeffrie Murphy and Jean Hampton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Harris, Peter, and Ben Reilly, eds. "Reckoning for Past Wrongs: Truth Commissions and War Crimes Tribunals". Section 4.10 in Democracy and Deep-Rooted Conflict: Options for Negotiators. Stockholm, Sweden: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 1998. read an annotation.
Harvard Law School Human Rights Program and World Peace Foundation. "Truth Commissions: A Comparative Assessment. An Interdisciplinary Discussion Held at Harvard Law School in May 1996." Cambridge, Mass: Human Rights Program, Harvard Law School, 1997.
Hayner, Priscilla B. "Fifteen Truth Commissions - 1974-1994: A Comparative Study." Human Rights Quarterly 16, no. 4 (1994): 597-655.
Hayner, Priscilla B. "International Guidelines for the Creation and Operation of Truth Commissions: A Preliminary Proposal." Law & Contemporary Problems 59, no. 4 (1996): 173-80.
Hayner, Priscilla B. "Truth Commissions: A Schematic Overview." International Review of the Red Cross 88, no. 862 (2006): 295-310.
Hayner, Priscilla B. Unspeakable Truths: Confronting State Terror and Atrocity. New York: Routledge, 2001.
Heder, Steven, and Brian D. Tittemore. Seven Candidates for Prosecution: Accountability for the Crimes of the Khmer Rouge. 2nd ed. Phnom Penh: Documentation Center of Cambodia, 2004.
]Heder, Steven, and Brian D. Tittemore. Seven Candidates for Prosecution: Accountability for the Crimes of the Khmer Rouge. 2nd ed. Phnom Penh: Documentation Center of Cambodia, 2004.
Helmick, Raymond G., SJ, and Rodney Petersen, eds. Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Religion, Public Policy and Conflict Transformation. Philadelphia and London: Templeton Foundation Press, 2001.
Hopkins, Jeffrey, ed. The Art of Peace: Nobel Peace Laureates Discuss Human Rights, Conflict and Reconciliation. Ithaca , NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2000.
Ignatieff, Michael. "Afterword." In Imagine Coexistence: Restoring Humanity after Violent Ethnic Conflict, edited by Antonia Chayes and Martha Minow, 325-33. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003.
Ignatieff, Michael. "Articles of Faith." Index on Censorship 5 (1996): 110-22.
Ignatieff, Michael. The Warrior's Honor: Ethnic War and the Modern Conscience. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1997.
Irani, George. "Rituals of Reconciliation: Arab-Islamic Perspectives." Mind and Human Interaction 11, no. 4 (2000): 226-45.
Irani, George, and Laurie E. King-Irani. Recognizing the Other, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation: Lessons from Lebanon. Beirut: Lebanese American University, 1996.
Irani, George Emile. "Apologies and Reconciliation: Middle Eastern Rituals." In Taking Wrongs Seriously: Apologies and Reconciliation, edited by Elazar Barkan and Alexander Karn, 132-52. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2006.
James, Matt. "Redress Politics and Canadian Citizenship." In Canada: The State of the Federation 1998/99: Exploring the Ties That Bind, ed. Harvey Lazar and Tom McIntosh, 247-281. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1999.
James, Matt. "Recognition, Redistribution and Redress: The Case of the 'Chinese Head Tax'." Canadian Journal of Political Science 37(4) (2004): 883-902.
James, Matt. "Wrestling with the Past: Apologies, Quasi- Apologies, and Non-Apologies." In The Age of Apology, ed. Mark Gibney, Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann, 137-153. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press: 2008.
Jaspers, Karl. The Question of German Guilt. New York: Fordham University Press, 2000.
King, Régine Uwibereyeho. "Trauma, Healing and Reconciliation in Rwanda." International Journal of Disability, Community & Rehabilitation 1, no. 3 (2002).
King-Irani, Laurie E. "Rituals of Reconciliation and Processes of Empowerment in Post-War Lebanon." In Traditional Cures for Modern Conflicts: African Conflict Medicine, edited by I. William Zartman, 129-40. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1999.
Kraybill, Ron. "The Cycle of Reconciliation" Conciliation Quarterly 14(3)(Summer 1995): 7-8. read an annotation.
Kriesberg, Louis. "Changing Forms of Coexistence." In Reconciliation, Justice, and Coexistence: Theory and Practice, edited by Mohammed Abu-Nimer, 47-64. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: Lexington Books, 2001.
Kritz, Neil J., ed. Transitional Justice: How Emerging Democracies Reckon with Former Regimes. 3 Vols. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace, 1995.
Krog, Antjie. Country of My Skull: Guilt, Sorrow, and the Limits of Forgiveness in the New South Africa. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2000.
Landsman, Stephan. "Alternative Responses to Serious Human Rights Abuses: Of Prosecution and Truth Commissions." Law & Contemporary Problems 59 (1999): 81-92.
Lederach, John Paul. Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1997.
Lerche, Charles O., III. "Truth Commissions and National Reconciliation: Some Reflections on Theory and Practice." Peace and Conflict Studies 7(1) (May 2000). Available at
Lederach, John Paul. The Journey toward Reconciliation. Scottdale, PA, and Waterloo, Ontario: Herald Press, 1999.
Lederach, John Paul. The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. read a review.
Lerche, Charles O., III. "Truth Commissions and National Reconciliation: Some Reflections on Theory and Practice." Peace and Conflict Studies 7, no. 1 (2000).
Levi, Primo. The Drowned and the Saved. New York: Summit Books, 1986.
Lloyd, Rhiannon, and Kristine Bresser. "Healing the Wounds of Ethnic Conflict: The Role of the Church in Healing, Forgiveness and Reconciliation." Geneva: Le Rucher/Mercy Ministries, 1998.
Long, William J., and Peter Brecke. War and Reconciliation: Reason and Emotion in Conflict Resolution. Cambridge, MA, and London, UK: MIT, 2003.
Luttwak, Edward. "Franco-German Reconciliation: The Overlooked Role of the Moral Re-Armament Movement." In Religion, the Missing Dimension of Statecraft, edited by Douglas Johnston and Cynthia Sampson, 37-63. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Mack, John E. "The Enemy System." In Concepts and Theories, edited by Vamit D. Volkan, Demetrius A. Julius and Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA.: Lexington Books, 1992.
Mack, John E. "The Psychodynamics of Victimization among National Groups in Conflict." In Unofficial Diplomacy at Work, edited by Vamit D. Volkan, Demetrius A. Julius and Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA.: Lexington Books, 1992.
Mann, N., and B. Theuermann. Children and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Sierra Leone: Recommendations for Policies and Procedures for Addressing and Involving Children in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Freetown, Sierra Leone: UNICEF National Forum for Human Rights and UNAMSIL/Human Rights, 2001. read an annotation.
Marks, Stephen P. "Forgetting the Policies and Practices of the Past: Impunity in Cambodia War Crimes " Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 18 (1994): 17-43
McAdams, James, ed. Transitional Justice and the Rule of Law in New Democracies. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1997.
Meintjes, Garth , and Juan E. Mendez. " Reconciling Amnesties with Universal Jurisdiction." International Law FORUM Du Droit International 2 (2000): 76-97.
Meister, Robert. After Evil: A Politics of Human Rights. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012.
Meister, Robert. "'Never Again': The Ethics of the Neighbor and the Logic of Genocide" Postmodern Culture 15, no. 2 (2005).
Minow, Martha. Between Vengeance and Forgiveness: Facing History after Genocide and Mass Violence. Boston: Beacon Press, 1998.
Minow, Martha. "The Hope for Healing: What Can Truth Commissions Do?" In Truth V. Justice: The Morality of Truth Commissions, edited by Robert I. Rotberg and Dennis Thompson, 235-60. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2000.
Montville, Joseph V. "The Healing Function in Political Conflict Resolution." In Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice, edited by Dennis J. Sandole and H. van der Merwe. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 1993.
Montville, Joseph V. "Justice and the Burdens of History." In Reconciliation, Co-Existence, and Justice in Interethnic Conflict: Theory and Practice, edited by Mohammed Abu-Nimer. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: Lexington Books, 2001.
Mubangizi, Abdu. "Women Survivors of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide: Learning to Live with HIV/Aids, and to Forgive the Perpetrators under the New Gacaca Restorative Justice System." Paper Presented at the 6th International Conference on Restorative Justice, June, 2003.
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Naqvi, Yasmin. "Amnesty for War Crimes: Defining the Limits of International Recognition." International Review of the Red Cross 85, no. 851 (2003): 583-626.
Naqvi, Yasmin. "The Right to the Truth in International Law: Fact or Fiction." International Review of the Red Cross 88, no. 862 (2006): 245-362.
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Peskin, Victor. "Beyond Victor's Justice? The Challenge of Prosecuting the Winners at the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda." Journal of Human Rights 4, no. 2 (2005): 213-31.
Peskin, Victor. International Justice in Rwanda and the Balkans: Virtual Trials and the Struggle for State Cooperation. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Prager, Carole A.L., and Trudy Govier, eds. Dilemmas of Reconciliation: Cases and Concepts. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2003.
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Schirch, Lisa. Ritual and Symbol in Peacebuilding. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press, 2005. read an annotation.
Schreiter, Robert J. . The Ministry of Reconciliation: Spirituality and Strategies. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1998.
Schreiter, Robert J. Reconciliation: Mission and Ministry in a Changing Social Order. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1992.
Shaw, Rosalind. Rethinking Truth and Reconciliation Commissions: Lessons from Sierra Leone. Special Report, no. 130. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute for Peace, 2005. read an annotation.
Shriver, Donald W., Jr. An Ethic for Enemies: Forgiveness in Politics. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Sider, Nancy Good. "At the Fork in the Road: Trauma Healing." Conciliation Quarterly 20, no. 2 (2001).
Sider, Nancy Good. "Peacebuilders Healing Trauma: The Journey from Victim to Survivor to Provider." PhD Dissertation, Union Institute and University, 2005.
Sriram, Chandra Lekha, Olga Martin-Ortega, and Johanna Herman. War, Conflict and Human Rights: Theory and Practice. 2nd edition. Oxford, UK: Routledge, 2014.
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Sooka, Yasmin. "Dealing with the Past and Transitional Justice: Building Peace through Accountability." International Review of the Red Cross 86, no. 862 (2006): 311-25.
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Sutherland, Jessie. Worldview Skills: Transforming Conflict From The Inside Out. Sooke, CA: Worldview Strategies, 2005
Tavuchis, Nicholas. Mea Culpa: A Sociology of Apology and Reconciliation. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1991.
Tawney, R.H. Equality. London: Unwin, 1969.
Teitel, Ruti G. "Transitional Justice Genealogy." Harvard Human Rights Journal 16 (2003): 69-94.
Torpey, John. Making Whole What Has Been Smashed: On Reparations Politics. Cambridge, MA, and London, UK: Harvard University Press, 2006.
Torpey, John, ed. Politics and the Past: On Repairing Historical Injustices. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003. read an annotation.
Tsele, Mofele. "Kairos and Jubilee." In To Remember and to Heal: Theological and Psychological Reflections on Truth and Reconciliation, edited by H. Russel Botman and Robin M. Petersen, 70-78. Capetown: Human and Rousseau, 1996.
Tutu, Desmond. No Future without Forgiveness. New York: Doubleday, 1999.
van der Merwe, Hugo. "National and Community Reconciliation: Competing Agendas in the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission." In Burying the Past: Making Peace and Doing Justice after Civil Conflict, edited by Nigel Biggar, 101-24. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2003.
Villa-Vicencio, Charles. "A Different Kind of Justice: The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission." Contemporary Justice Review 1 (1998): 407-28.
Villa-Vicencio, Charles, and Erik Doxtader, eds. The Provocations of Amnesty : Memory, Justice, and Impunity. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2003. read an annotation.
Volf, Miroslav. Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1996.
Volkan, Vamik D. "Large Group Identity and Chosen Trauma." Psychoanalysis Downunder, no. 6 (2005).
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Yamamoto, Eric K. Interracial Justice: Conflict and Reconciliation in Post-Civil Rights America. New York: New York University Press, 1999.
Young, Gwen K. "Comment: Amnesty and Accountability." UC Davis Law Review 35 (2002): 427-61.
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Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: A Selected Bibliography (formerly Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: A Selected Bibliography). Copyright 1997-2023 Catherine Morris. All rights reserved.