the Peacemakers Trust
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A Selected Bibliography

Catherine Morris

Conflict, Violence, Health and Health Care

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See also the bibliographies on Dispute Resolution Systems and Organizational Conflict Management and Managing Workplace and Labour Conflict.

Bodiang, Claudia Kessler. Addressing Female Genital Mutilation: Challenges and Perspectives for Health Programs." Eschborn, Germany: GTZ, 2003.

Cleland Moyer, Kathleen, ed. Conflict in Healthcare: A Few Messy Details. Conflict Resolution Today. Special Health Care Edition 18 (1-2) (March 2006). Waterloo, ON: Conflict Resolution Network Canada, 2006

Cohen, Jonathan R. "Apology and Organizations: Exploring an Example from Medical Practice." Fordham Urban Law Journal 27 (5) (2000): 1447-1482.

Dubler, N. and Marcus, L. Mediating Bioethical Disputes: A Practical Guide. New York: United Hospital Fund, 1994.

EngenderHealth. "The Men as Partners Program in South Africa: Reaching Men to End Gender-Based Violence and Promote HIV/STI Prevention." A Men as Partners briefing paper. New York: EngenderHealth, 2002.

Finkelstein D, et al. "When a Physician Harms a Patient by a Medical Error: Ethical, Legal, and Risk-Management Considerations." Clinical Ethics. 8(4)(Winter 1997): 330-335

Garcia-Moreno, C., and C. Watts. "Violence against women: Its importance for HIV/AIDS prevention." AIDS 24(3)(2000): S253-S265.

Gerardi D. "Using Mediation Techniques to Manage Conflict and Create Healthy Work Environments." American Association of Critical Care Nurses Clinical Issues. 15 (2004): 182-195.

Go, Vivian F., et. al. "When HIV Prevention Messages and Gender Norms Clash: The Impact of Domestic Violence on Women's HIV Risk in Slums of Chennai, India." AIDS and Behavior 7(3)(September 2003): 263-272.

Greene, Michael B. "Youth Violence in the City: The Role of Educational Interventions." Health Education and Behavior 25(2)(April 1998): 175-193.

Guedes, Alessandra. Addressing Gender-Based Violence from the Reproductive Health/HIV Sector: A Literature Review and Analysis. Washington, DC: The Population Technical Assistance Project, 2004.

Hebert, P.C. "Disclosure of Adverse Events and Errors in Healthcare: An Ethical Perspective. Drug Safety 24(15) (2001): 1095-1104.

Herzog A.C. "Conflict Resolution in a Nutshell: Tips for Everyday Nursing. Spinal Cord Injury Nursing. 17 (2000): 162-166.

Human Rights Watch. South Africa: Violence Against Women and the Medico-Legal System. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1997.

Jacobs, Tanya, and Rachel Jewkes. "Vezimfilho: A Model for Health Sector Response to Gender Violence in South Africa." International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 78(Supplement No 1)(2001): S51-S56.

Jewkes, Rachel K., Jonathan B. Levin, and Loveday A. Penn-Kekana. "Gender Inequalities, intimate partner violence, and HIV preventive practices: findings of a South-African cross-sectional study." Social Science and Medicine 2003: 125-134.

Jormsri P. "Moral Conflict and Collaborative Mode as Moral Conflict Resolution in Healthcare." Nursing Health Science. 6(2004): 217-221.

Kim, Julia and Mmatshilo Motsei. "'Women Enjoy Punishment': Attitudes and Experiences of Gender-Based Violence Among PHC Nurses in Rural South Africa." Social Science and Medicine. 54(8)(2002): 1243-1254.

Kritek, Phyllis. Negotiating at An Uneven Table: Developing Moral Courage in Resolving Our Conflicts. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1994.

Lary, Heidi, et. al. "Exploring the Association Between HIV and Violence: Young People's Experiences with Infidelity, Violence, and Forced Sex in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania." International Family Planning Perspectives 30(4)(2004): 200-206.

Leach, Fiona. "School-Based Gender Violence in Africa: a Risk to Adolescent Sexual Health." Perspectives in Education 20(2)(2002): 99-112.

Lemieux-charles, Louise, and Wendy L.Mcguire. "What Do We Know about Health Care Team Effectiveness? A Review of the Literature." Medical Care Research And Review 63(3) (June 2006): 263-300.

Lieberman M.A., and L. Fisher. "The Effects of Family Conflict Resolution Making on the Provision of Help for an Elder with Alzheimer's Disease. Gerontologist 39 (1999): 159-166.

Maher, Julie E., et. al. "Partner Violence, Partner Notification, and Women's Decisions to Have an HIV Test." Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (JAIDS) 25 (2000): 276-282.

Maman, Suzanne, et. al. "HIV-Positive Women Report More Lifetime Partner Violence: Findings from a Voluntary Counseling and Testing Clinic in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania." American Journal of Public Health 92 (8) (August 2002) 1331-1337.

Marcus, Leonard J. with Barry C. Dorn, Phyllis B. Kritek, Velvet G. Miller, and Janice B. Wyatt. Renegotiating Health Care: Resolving Conflict to Build Collaboration. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995. read a review.

Michau, L.S., D. Naker, and Z. Swalehe. "Mobilizing Communities to End Violence Against Women in Tanzania." In Responding to Cairo. Case studies of Changing Practice in Reproductive Health and Family Planning, edited by Nicole Haberland, and Diana Measham, 415-433. New York: Population Council, 2002.

Miller, M., and D. Wax. "Instilling a mediation-based conflict resolution culture." Physician Executive. 25 (1999): 45-51.

Montoro-rodriguez, Julian, and Jeff A. Small. "The Role of Conflict Resolution Styles on Nursing Staff Morale, Burnout, and Job Satisfaction in Long-Term Care." Journal Of Aging And Health 18 (3) (June 2006): 385-406.

O'Mara, K. "Communication and conflict resolution in emergency medicine." Emergency medical clinics of North America. 17 (1999): 451-459.

Payne, G.T., C.L. Shook, and K.E. Voges. "The 'What' in Top Management Group Conflict: The Effects of Organizational Issue Interpretation on Conflict Among Hospital Decision Makers." Journal of Managerial Issues 17(2)(2005): 162-177.

Rotarius T., and A. Liberman. "Healthcare Alliances and Alternative Dispute Resolution: Managing Trust and Conflict." Health Care Manager. 18 (2000): 25-31.

Rothenburg, Karen H., and Stephen J. Paskey. "The Risk of Domestic Violence and Women with HIV Infection: Implications for Partner Notification, Public Policy, and the Law." American Journal of Public Health 85 (11)(November 1995): 1569-1576.

Saravia A. "Overview of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Healthcare Disputes." Journal of Health Law. 32(1) (Winter 1999):139-153.

Sciarillo W., and P.E. Borenstein. "Baltimore's Consumer Ombudsman and Assistance Program: An Emerging Public Health Service in Medicaid Managed Care." Maternal and Child Health Journal. 4 (2000): 261-269.

Skjørshammer, Morten. "Conflict Management in Hospital: Designing Processing Structures and Intervention Methods." Journal of Management in Medicine 15(2)(2001): 156-166.

Skjørshammer, Morten. "Understanding Conflicts between Health Professionals: A Narrative Approach." Qualitative Health Research 12(7) (September 2002): 915-931.

Slaikeu, K. A. Conflict Management: Essential Skills for Health Care Managers. Journal of Health Care Material Management (Nov-Dec 1992): 36-48.

Slaikeu, K. A. "Designing Dispute Resolution Systems in the Health Care Industry." Negotiation Journal 5(4)(1989): 395-400.

Smith S.B., R.S. Tutor, and M.L. Phillips. "Resolving Conflict Realistically in Today's Health Care Environment." Journal of Psychosocial Nursing in Mental Health Service. 39 (2001): 36-45.

United Nations Population Fund. "A Practical Approach to Gender-Based Violence: A Programme Guide for Health Care Providers and Managers." New York: UNFPA, 2001.

Velzeboer, Marijke. Violence Against Women: The Health Sector Responds. Washington, DC: Pan American Health Organization, 2003.

Weiner, Bryan J., Jeffrey A. Alexander, and Stephen M. Shortell. "Management and Governance Processes in Community Health Coalitions: A Procedural Justice Perspective." Health Education and Behavior 29 (6)(December 2002): 737-754.

Weitzman P.F., and E.A. Weitzman. "Promoting Communication with Older Adults: Protocols for Resolving Interpersonal Conflicts and for Enhancing Interactions with Doctors." Clinical Psychology Review. 23 (2003): 523-535.

Wieck, K. Lynn, Teresa Oehler, Alexia Green, and Clair Jordan. "Safe Nurse Staffing: A Win-Win Collaboration Model for Influencing Health Policy." Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice 5 3)(August 2004): 160-166.

World Health Organization. WHO Multi-country Study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence against Women. Geneva: WHO, 2005.

Ziegenfuss, J.T. Jr., M. Rowe, and R.F. Munzenrider. "Corporate Ombudsman: Functions, Case Loads, Approaches, and Outcomes." Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration 15(3) (1993): 261-280.

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Adversarial Justice Limits . Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) . Apology & Forgiveness . Arbitration . Arts & Peacework . Books for Children & Youth . Caseflow Management . Collaborative Law Practice . Community Conflict . Conflict Analysis . Conflictos y Paz . Conflict Resolution & Conflict Management . Conflict Transformation . Critical . Culture, Ethnicity & Conflict . Dispute Resolution Systems Design . Emotions & Conflict . Environment, Public Policy & Conflict . Evaluation . Game Theory . Gender & Conflict . Human Rights . Humanitarian Action, Development . Indigenous Peoples . International Conflict . Judicial Dispute Resolution . Media, Conflict and Society . Mediation, Family . Mediation, Mandatory . Music of Peace . Negotiation . Negotiation, Crisis . Negotiation, Humanitarian . Nonviolent Direct Action . Ombudsman . Psycho-Social Perspectives . Post-Secondary Education . Reconciliation/Transitional Justice . Religious Perspectives . Restorative Justice . Schools . Standards and Ethics . Technology, Computers . Terrorism . Theories of Conflict . Videorecordings . Workplace, Labour Conflict . Peacebuilding and Reconciliation in Rwanda . Reviews and Annotations . Acknowledgements . Search