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A Selected Bibliography

Catherine Morris

Teaching Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding

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This bibliography is under development.

Asherman, Ira G. and Sandy Vance. 25 Role Plays for Negotiation Skills. 22 Amherst Road, Amherst, MA 01002: HRD Press, 1995. See read a review.

Barkai, John. "Teaching Negotiation and ADR: The Savvy Samurai Meets the Devil" Nebraska Law Review 75 (1996): 704-43. Available online

Bluehouse, Philmer. "Is It 'Peacemakers Teaching?' or Is It 'Teaching Peacemakers?'" Conflict Resolution Quarterly 20 (4) (Summer 2003): 495-500.

Boler, Megan. "License to Feel: Teaching in the Context of War(s)." In Articulating the Global and Local, edited by Douglas Kellner and Ann Cvetkovich, 226-243. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996.

Boler, Megan, and Michalinos Zembylas. "Discomforting Truths: The Emotional Terrain of Understanding Difference." In Pedagogies of Difference: Rethinking Education for Social Change, edited by P.P. Trifonas, 110-36. New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2003.

Botes, Johannes. "Graduate Peace & Conflict Studies Programs: Reconsidering Their Problems & Prospects." Conflict Management in Higher Education Resport 5(1)(September 2004).

Centre for Conflict Education and Research. Role-Play Book. 3rd edition. Ottawa: Carleton Univesrity Centre for Conflict Education and Research, 2012.

Cohen, Jonathan R. "Adversaries? Partners? How About Counterparts? On Metaphors in the Practice and Teaching of Negotiation and Dispute Resolution." Conflict Resolution Quarterly 20 (4) (Summer 2003): 433-440.

Community Justice Initiatives and the Langley School District #35. Conversation Peace: Restorative Action in Secondary Schools. trainer manual & video kit, student workbook. Langley, BC: Community Justice Initiatives and the Langley School District #35, 2005.

Davis, B. and S. Corley. Rockin' Role Plays: A Collection of the Finest for Mediation Trainers. Asheville, NC: The Mediation Center, 1996.

Elliott, Michael, Sanda Kaufman, and Guy Burgess. "Teaching Conflict Assessment and Frame Analysis Through Interactive Web-Based Simulations." International Journal of Conflict Management 13()(2002): 320-340.

Farrow, Trevor C.W. "Dispute Resolution and Legal Education: A Bibliography." Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 7.1(2006): 119-138.

Finley, Laura L. "How Can I Teach Peace When the Book Only Covers War?" Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution 5 (1) (Summer 2003). Available online

Folger, Joseph P., and Robert A. Baruch Bush, eds. Designing Mediation: Approaches to Training and Practice within a Transformative Framework. New York : The Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, 2001.

Galtung, Johan. Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means (the Transcend Method) Geneva: UN Disaster Management Training Program, 2000. Available (pdf)

Goldberg, Stephen B., Frank E.A. Sander, and Nancy H. Rogers. Dispute Resolution: Negotiation, Mediation, and Other Processes . Second edition. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co., 1992. read a review

Goldberg, Stephen B., Frank E.A. Sander, and Nancy H. Rogers. Teacher's Manual-Dispute Resolution: Negotiation, Mediation, and Other Processes. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co., 1992. read a review

Hart, Lois B. Learning from Conflict: A Handbook for Trainers and Group Leaders. Second edition. Amherst, MA: HRD Press, 1991. read a review

Hathaway, William. "A New Way of Viewing Dispute Resolution Training." Mediation Quarterly 13(1995): 37

Honeyman, Christopher, Scott H. Hughes, and Andrea K. Schneider. "How Can We Teach So It Takes?" Conflict Resolution Quarterly 20(4) (Summer 2003): 429-432.

Jones, Tricia S. A World of Possibilities: Conflict Resolution Education and Peace Education Around the Globe. Special Issue. Conflict Resolution Quarterly 25(1)(Fall 2007).

Landry, Elaine M., Deborah M. Kolb, and Jeffrey Z. Rubin. Curriculum for Negotiation and Conflict Management. Cambridge, MA: Program on Negotiation, 1991. Read a review.

Kovach, Kimberlee K. Mediation: Principles and Practice (with Teacher's Manual). Saint Paul, MN: West Publishing Co., 1994. Read a review.

LeBaron, Michelle. Bridging Cultural Conflicts: A New Approach For A Changing World. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003.

LeBaron, Michelle. Bridging Troubled Waters: Conflict Resolution From the Heart. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002. See Read a review.

Leimdorfer, Tom, Once Upon a Conflict: A Fairytale Manual of Conflict Resolution for All Ages. London, UK: Quaker Peace and Service, Friends Book Center, Friends House, Euston Road, NW1 2BJ, England, 1992. Read a review.

Lewicki, R.J. "Teaching Negotiation and Dispute Resolution in Colleges of Business: The State of the Practice." Negotiation Journal (July 1997): 253-269.

Maytok, Tom, Jessica Senehi and Sean Byrne, eds. Critical Issues in Peace and Conflict Studies: Implications for Theory, Practice, and Pedagogy. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2011.

Mediation UK. Training Manual in Community Mediation Skills. Bristol, UK: Mediation UK, 1995. Read a review.

Menkel-Meadow, Carrie. "Teaching About Gender and Negotiation: Sex, Truths and Videotape." Negotiation Journal 16 (4) (2000): 357-75.

Mock, Ron, ed. The Role Play Book: 41 Hypothetical Situations. Second Edition. Akron, PA: Mennonite Conciliation Service, 1997. read a review.

Nolan-Haley, Jacqueline M., and Volpe, Maria R. "Teaching Mediation As a Lawyering Role." Journal of Legal Education 39 (1989): 571.

Raider, Ellen, Susan Coleman, and Janet Gerson. "Teaching Conflict Resolution Skills in a Workshop." In The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice, edited by Morton Deutsch, and Peter T. Coleman, 499-521. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2000.

Schmitz, S.J. "What Should We Teach in ADR Courses? Concepts and Skills for Lawyers Representing Clients in Mediation." 6 (2001)Harvard Negotiation Law Review 189-210.

Schrock-Shenk, Carolyn, and Lawrence Ressler, eds. Making Peace With Conflict: Practical Skills for Conflict Transformation. Scottsdale, PA: Herald Press, 1999.

*Schrock-Shenk, Carolyn, ed. Mediation and Facilitation Training Manual: Foundations and Skills for Constructive Conflict Transformation , Fourth edition. Akron,PA: Mennonite Conciliation Service, 2000.

Schneider, Andrea K., and Julie Macfarlane. "Having Students Take Responsibility for the Process of Learning." Conflict Resolution Quarterly 20 (4) (Summer 2003): 455-462.

Schwarz, R., The Skilled Facilitator: Practical Wisdom for Developing Effective Groups. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1994.

Smith, David J. "A Map of Peace and Conflict Studies in the U.S. Undergraduate Colleges and Universities." Conflict Resolution Quarterly 25 (1) (Fall 2007): 145-151.

Stage, F.K. & Dannells, M. Linking Theory to Practice: Case Studies for Working with College Students. Ann Arbor: Sheridan Book, 2000..

Stains, Robert R., Jr. "Training on Purpose." Conflict Resolution Quarterly 20 (4) (Summer 2003): 473-476.

Susskind, Lawrence E., and Jason Corburn. "Using Simulations to Teach Negotiation: Pedagogical Theory and Practice." Working Paper 99-1. Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, 1999. Available online at

Ting-Toomey, Stella. "Intercultural Conflict Training: Theory-Practice Approaches and Research Challenges." Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 36(3)(November 2007): 255-271.

Warters, William C. "Graduate Studies in Dispute Resolution: A Delphi Study of the Field's Present and Future" Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution 2(2)(May 1999).

Weinstein, Janet. "Teaching Mediation in Law Schools: Training Lawyers to be Wise." New York Law School Law Review 35 (1990): 19

Williams, Gerald R. "Using Simulation Exercises in Negotiation and Other Dispute Resolution Courses." Journal of Legal Education 34(1984): 307.

Zembylasa, Michalinos. "Witnessing In The Classroom: The Ethics and Politics of Affect." Educational Theory 56(3) (August 2006): 305-24.

Zweibel, Ellen. "Where Does ADR Fit in the Mainstream Law School Curriculum." Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 17(1999):295

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