Partners: Peacemakers Trust | AEBR
Peacemakers Trust has received an invitation from CBM Ministries, a Canadian faith-based development agency, and its Rwandan partner, the Association des Eglises Baptistes au Rwanda (AEBR) to work with them to develop a three year plan of action that responds to emerging needs and challenges in post-genocide Rwanda. The participatory planning process will involve consultation and planning meetings with a number of Rwandan church leaders from around Rwanda, including women and youth leaders.
This initiative follows a 2008 visit to Rwanda by Catherine Morris, managing director of Peacemakers Trust. Her visits with local organizations and church leaders resulted in an invitation to return to Rwanda in 2010 to work with AEBR leaders to assist with planning of initiatives in conflict resolution, peace building and reconciliation. Catherine worked with Rwandan and Canadian partners in 2010 to design a participatory planning process for church initiatives in reconciliation. Catherine worked with Rev. Gato Munyamasoko, then the Reconciliation and Peacebuilding Specialist for The Sharing Way in Rwanda, co-facilitated AEBR's planning process.
You can become a partner in raising the costs of this initiative with a tax-deductable donation to Peacemakers Trust, a Canadian charity focused on conflict transformation and peacebuilding.
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