▪ About the Logo of Peacemakers Trust
▪ Copyright, trademarks and intellectual property
▪ About trademarks
▪ The Berne Convention
▪ Creating links to our site
Peacemakers Trust Logo
The logo of Peacemakers Trust is a Roman labyrinth based on geometric shapes found in Calvatone and Cremona, Italy. The pathway of the Peacemakers Trust labyrinth leads to its centre and back out again. Unlike a puzzle maze, it is a "true" labyrinth with no dead ends, traps or false pathways. Even so, the path may seem confusing, because it winds around, doubles back and may test one's trust and patience. Trace the path yourself to see. True labyrinths have been used as pathways for contemplation, reflection, dances and games in many ancient and contemporary cultures. The origin of the first labyrinths is unknown. For thousands of years, labyrinths of various styles have been part of the art, architecture and ceremonial expressions of cultures in Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas. In medieval Europe, as in some contemporary churches, labyrinths were used by Christians to symbolize the Way to salvation.
About copyright, trademarks and intellectual property
The following are among the trademarks of Peacemakers Trust, a Canadian federal non-profit corporation:
- The configuration and colours of the Peacemakers Trust labyrinth and logo;
- The phrase: "New Directions in the Field of Conflict Resolution: A Workshop Series" ™
- The phrase: "Talking in Public Education and Research on Public Dialogue" ™
- The phrase: "Talking in Public about alternatives to violence" ™
- The phrase: "... creating pathways toward sustained conversations"
- The phrase: "... creating pathways toward reconciliation." ™
Also,unless otherwise indicated, all images and all text on all pages of the Peacemakers Trust website are internationally protected by copyright laws, trademark laws, and the Berne Convention. No use, reuse, copying or reproduction are allowed without the specific written agreement and permission of Peacemakers Trust. You may print material from the website for your own personal use only. Please see our instructions about creating links to our site.
About copyright
In Canada, all authors and artists have the exclusive right to copy or reproduce something they create, or to give permission to someone else to copy it. Registration of the copyright is not necessary. The copyright symbol © is not required for protection of a copyright within Canada, but it is advisable to use this symbol because it may be required for international protection in some countries. For more information about copyright in Canada, see the "A Guide to Copyrights" found on the website of Intellectual Property Office of Industry Canada.
About trademarks
A trademark can be a word, a symbol, a design, or a combination of words, symbols or designs that distinguish one organization from another. No trademark registration is required to protect a Canadian trademarks in Canada, but for better international protection it is advisable to indicate an unregistered trademark with a ™ symbol. For more information about copyright in Canada, see "A Guide to Trade-Marks" found on the website of Intellectual Property Office of Industry Canada.
About the Berne Convention
The Berne Convention is an international copyright treaty signed by ninety-six countries. Canada and the United States are signatories. Please check to see whether your country is a contracting party to the Convention. Even if your country is not a signatory, international standards are generally expected as a matter of ethics and courtesy. The Berne Convention requires member countries to recognize the moral rights of authors, including artists, including the author's exclusive right to reproduce, translate, perform, or adapt protected works. The Berne Convention protects works during the lifetime of the author plus seventy-five years. For more information about international intellectual property, see the website of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which is a Specialized Agency of the United Nations whose mandate is to promote the protection of intellectual property worldwide.