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- Online brochure: Peacemakers Trust in a nutshell
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- Instructions for Linking to Peacemakers Trust Web Pages
- Bibliography: Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: A Selected Bibliography
- Business, human rights and conflict
- Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation in Christian Churches: Portal to Resources
- Pathways Toward Reconciliation: Portal to Resources
- Africa: Peacebuilding and Human Rights Protection in Africa
- Cambodia: Peacebuilding and Human Rights in Cambodia
- Canada: Conflict Transformation and Reconciliation in Canada
- Reporting On Conflict portal page to Peacemakers Trust's resources on Media, Conflict and Society.
- Media, Conflict and Society: Links to Resources
- Bibliography on Media, Conflict and Society
- New Directions in the Field of Conflict Resolution: A Workshop Series
- Talking in Public: Education and Research on Public Dialogue
- Custom Designed Education or Training
- What is "Alternative Dispute Resolution" (ADR)?: Some Ways of Processing Disputes
- What is Peacebuilding?
- Other publications
- Bibliographic Research
- Media, Conflict and Society: Links to Research and Education Resources
- Pathways Toward Reconciliation: Research and Education
- Business, human rights and conflict
- Human Rights and Peacebuilding
- Religion, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: Research and Education
- Peacebuilding and Human Rights Protection in Africa
- Peacebuilding in Southeast Asia
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- ▪ Charitable Organization number (Canada) is 87205 7823 RR0001
- ▪ Donate through CanadaHelps.org
- Peacemakers Trust
e-mail: website@peacemakers.ca