Definitions: dispute resolution, conflict transformation, mediation, restorative justice, peacebuilding, nonviolence, etc...
Bibliography on Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding ... and other resources
Education and training: Portal to resources
Publications:: Case studies, papers and letters
Reporting on Conflict: Media Watch: News and reports
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Themes and Countries
The Art of Peacework. This resource portal is under development.
Business, Human Rights and Conflict: Portal to resources (under development)
Country information portals: Canada, Cambodia, Thailand, Rwanda and other countries.
Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation in Churches: portal to resources
Human Rights and Peacebuilding: portal to resources
Reconciliation: Portal to resources
Religion in peacemaking and reconciliation: Portal to resources
Restorative practices: Portal to resources on restorative justice and restorative discipline.
Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: Resources
© 2006, 2007 Catherine Morris.