the Peacemakers Trust
labyrinth logo is a trademark of Peacemakers Trust, a Canadian federally
incorporated non-profit corporation Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding:
A Selected Bibliography

Submit a Review or Annotation for Online Publication in the Bibliography

Peacemakers Trust aims to increase access to independent, high quality reviews and annotations of literature in the field of conflict studies. You are invited to submit reviews or annotations of works you have read that are included (or which you think should be included) in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: A Selected Bibliography. This bibliography is visited by many thousands academics, practitioners, government officials, leaders of non-governmental organizations and students in more than 100 countries on every continent. Many academic institutions, governmental and non-governmental organizations link to this bibliography. Selected book reviews are edited and posted on the Peacemakers Trust site with a link from the appropriate title in the bibliography.

Please enter the complete citation details of the work you are reviewing or annotating:

If this form seems inconvenient, please feel free to send your review or annotation to us.

(last name and at least two initials) editor(s)

If this is a translated work, please also provide the translator's full name.

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